WebMD Health Services

WebMD Health Services faced a significant challenge with its brand identity. The blending of B2C and B2B messaging resulted in a scattered, confusing, and inconsistent tone and visual communication. Our initial step was meticulously defining our core identity, objectives, and target audiences. We established a dedicated rebranding team and initiated a comprehensive audit of all communication channels. From this, we developed precise branding guidelines that served as the cornerstone for our extensive brand toolkit and collateral. The implementation of these guidelines facilitated a seamless and highly successful brand relaunch, which was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from stakeholders and audiences alike.

In partnership with the WebMD internal marketing team: Laura Trotter, Michael Bienhoff, Nicole Cornett, Cindy Burger, Christopher Peralta

Below: Brand guidelines, poster, ebook, ads, touch screen, website page, B2C Campaign




Jama Software